Title ސުރުޚީ Description

Gospel of Luke - Dhinnevun


The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke


މަންދޫބުން ކުރެއްވި މަސައްކަތް

The Work of the Apostles after Jesus Christ returned to heaven

Audio/Video: CD/DVD

Tedumagu 1: Luke - Audio

ތެދުމަގު1: ކީރިތި ޚަބަރުފުޅުގެ ފޮތްކޮޅު

The Gospel of Luke (including explanations of biblical terms), 4h 45 min, MP3 format

Tedumagu 2: Acts - Audio:

ތެދުމަގު2: މަންދޫބުން ކުރެއްވި މަސައްކަތް ފޮތްކޮލޫ

The Acts of the Apostles (including explanations of biblical terms), 4h 15 min, MP3 format

Jesus film - DVD:


Jesus film in Dhivehi - The life and works of Jesus according to Luke

Jesus - Audioversion:

ޢީސާގެފާނު: އަޑުން އުފެއްދިފައިވާ ތަމްސީލު

Jesus audio version - The life and works of Jesus according to Luke in 22 episodes

Changed lifes: 4 stories

ދޯރާއިން މާމުއި

Three Maldivians and one Palestinian tell how God came into their lifes and changed it, CDA format

For Seamen

ބޯޓް ދަތުރުކުރުން ދަތުރަށް ތައްޔާރުތަ؟

Messages for Seamen about beauty of nature, the Creator, loneliness, temptations, the lost son, the invitation to rest, CDA format

The Hope: God's plan for this world


13 stories from Adam to the Messiah which explain God's purpose for this world, MP3 format

Seedhaa Hithun 1

ސީދާ ހިތުން 1

Marriage, life of Jesus, relationship with God, true life story, CDA format

Seedhaa Hithun 2

ސީދާ ހިތުން 2

26 messages about the prophets from Adam to Jesus, MP3 format


Someone who cares

އަހަންނަށް އަޅާލާނެ މީހަކު ވޭބާ؟

11 messages of hope and the love of God for people who are suffering from sickness

Path of Hope


Stories about the life and work of Jesus Christ according to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John

7 miraculous truth about Jesus

ޢީސާގެފާނުންނާއިބެހޭ ހަތް މުޣުޖިޒާތް

The birth of Jesus, good works, message, death, resurrection, end of the world, His work in us

Do you want to live forever?

އަބަދުގެ އަބަދަށް ދިރިހުންނަން ބޭނުންތަ؟

Heaven, hell, judgment, eternal life through faith in Jesus

Freedom from spiritual sickness and bondage

ރޫޙާނީ ބަލިތަކުން ސަލާމަތްވާން ބޭނުންތަ؟

Danger of using fanditha magic to solve spiritual problems, overcoming sin and Satan's attacks

Peace of heart

ފުރިހަމަ ހިތްހަމަޖެހުން ބޭނުންތަ؟

Comfort in difficult times from several psalms

Does anyone care for me?

އަޅާލާނެ މީހަކު ވޭބާ؟

Ps 139, the origin of sin, way to forgiveness and eternal life

Happy marriage

އުފާވެރި ކައިވެނި

God's will about marriage - love - 1 Cor 13

Some items can be ordered online at Amazon.com

Dhivehi Media (Tedumagu, Isagefanuge Film) is available in OM Bookshops in South India

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    Nokha Niwas Building, 4M -413, 4th Main Road, 3rd Block, Kalyan Nagar,H R B R. Layout. Kamanahalli, Bangalore 560043, Ph: 25432850
  • Bangalore – Thavarakere:
    40/1 Ground Floor, Caveri Layout, Thavarekere Main Road, Bangalore 560029, Ph: 25635470
  • Bangalore – Dharmaram:
    DVK Library Building, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram Dharmaram College, Bangalore, Ph: 41116354
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    Hari’s Arcade, 1st Floor, 93-Perambur Barracks Road, Doveton, Veppery, Chennai 600007, Ph: 26420816
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Sri Lanka

  • Colombo

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We are looking for volunteers to help us translating, typing and editing new literature. If you are interested please send us a mail .

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