Title |
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Luke - Introduction |
Luke Intro |
Luke - complete Audio and PDF version |
complete book |
Dedication to Theophilus |
Luke 1:1-4 |
The birth of John the Baptist foretold |
Luke 1:5-25 |
The birth of Jesus foretold |
Luke 1:26-38 |
Mary Visits Elizabeth |
Luke 1:39-45 |
Mary's Song |
Luke 1:46-56 |
The Birth of John the Baptist |
Luke 1:57-66 |
Zechariah's Song |
Luke 1:67-80 |
The birth of Jesus |
Luke 2:1-7 |
The Shepherds and the Angels |
Luke 2:8-20 |
Circumcision & Jesus Presented in the Temple |
Luke 2:21-24 |
Simeon sees God's Salvation |
Luke 2:25-35 |
Anna Bears Witness to the Redeemer |
Luke 2:36-40 |
Jesus Advances in Wisdom & Favour |
Luke 2:41-52 |
John the Baptist Prepares the Way |
Luke 3:1-20 |
The Baptism of Jesus |
Luke 3:21-38 |
The temptation of Jesus |
Luke 4:1-15 |
Jesus rejected at Nazareth |
Luke 4:16-30 |
Jesus drives out an Evil Spirit |
Luke 4:31-37 |
Jesus heals many |
Luke 4:38-44 |
Four fishermen called as disciples |
Luke 5:1-11 |
The man with leprosy |
Luke 5:12-16 |
Jesus heals a Paralytic |
Luke 5:17-26 |
The calling of Levi the taxcollector |
Luke 5:27-32 |
Jesus questioned about fasting |
Luke 5:33-39 |
Lord of the Sabbath |
Luke 6:1-11 |
The twelve Apostles |
Luke 6:12-19 |
Blessings and Woes |
Luke 6:20-26 |
Love for enemies |
Luke 6:27-36 |
Judging others |
Luke 6:37-42 |
A tree and its fruit |
Luke 6:43-45 |
The wise and foolish builders |
Luke 6:46-49 |
The faith of the centurion |
Luke 7:1-10 |
Jesus raises a widow's son |
Luke 7:11-17 |
Jesus and John the Baptist |
Luke 7:18-35 |
Jesus annointed by a sinful woman |
Luke 7:36-50 |
The parable of the sower |
Luke 8:1-15 |
A lamp on the stand - Jesus' mother and brothers |
Luke 8:16-21 |
Jesus calms the storm |
Luke 8:22-25 |
The healing of a demon-possessed man |
Luke 8:26-39 |
A dead girl and sick woman |
Luke 8:40-56 |
Jesus sends out the Twelve |
Luke 9:1-9 |
Jesus feeds the Five Thousands |
Luke 9:10-17 |
Peter's confession of the Messiah |
Luke 9:18-22 |
Take up the cross and follow Him |
Luke 9:23-27 |
The transfiguration |
Luke 9:28-36 |
The healing of a boy with an evil spirit |
Luke 9:37-45 |
Who will be the greatest? |
Luke 9:46-50 |
Samaritan opposition |
Luke 9:51-56 |
The cost of following Jesus |
Luke 9:57-62 |
Jesus sends out the Seventy-two |
Luke 10:1-16 |
Names written in Heaven |
Luke 10:17-24 |
The parable of the Good Samaritan |
Luke 10:25-37 |
At the home of Martha and Mary |
Luke 10:38-42 |
The Lord's Prayer |
Luke 11:1-4 |
Ask and you shall receive |
Luke 11:5-13 |
Jesus and the beelzebub |
Luke 11:14-28 |
The sign of Jonah |
Luke 11:29-32 |
The lamb of the body |
Luke 11:33-36 |
Six woes |
Luke 11:37-54 |
Do not fear men |
Luke 12:1-7 |
The sin against the Holy Spirit |
Luke 12:8-10 |
The parable of the Rich Fool |
Luke 12:11-34 |
Watchfulness |
Luke 12:35-48 |
Not peace but division - interpretation of the times |
Luke 12:49-59 |
Repent or Perish |
Luke 13:1-9 |
A Crippled Woman Healed on the Sabbath |
Luke 13:10-17 |
Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast |
Luke 13:18-21 |
The Narrow Door; Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem |
Luke 13:22-35 |
Healing on the Sabbath |
Luke 14:1-6 |
The Humble will be exalted, the Proud will be humiliated |
Luke 14:7-14 |
The Parable of the Great Banquet |
Luke 14:15-24 |
The Cost of Being a Disciple |
Luke 14:25-35 |
The Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin |
Luke 15:1-10 |
The Parable of the Lost Son |
Luke 15:11-32 |
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager |
Luke 16:1-13 |
Additional Teachings |
Luke 16:14-18 |
The Rich Man and Lazarus |
Luke 16:19-31 |
Sin, Faith, Duty |
Luke 17:01-10 |
Ten healed of leprosy |
Luke 17:11-19 |
The Coming of the Kingdom of God |
Luke 17:20-37 |
The Parable of the Persistent Widow |
Luke 18:1-8 |
Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector |
Luke 18:9-14 |
The Little Children and Jesus |
Luke 18:15-17 |
The rich ruler |
Luke 18:18-30 |
Jesus Again Predicts His Death |
Luke 18:31-34 |
A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight |
Luke 18:35-43 |
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector |
Luke 19:1-10 |
The Parable of the Ten Minas |
Luke 19:11-27 |
The Triumphal Entry |
Luke 19:28-40 |
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem; At the Temple |
Luke 19:41-48 |
The Authority of Jesus Questioned |
Luke 20:1-8 |
The Parable of the Tenants |
Luke 20:9-19 |
Paying Taxes to Caesar |
Luke 20:20-26 |
The Resurrection and Marriage |
Luke 20:27-47 |
The Widow's Offering |
Luke 21:1-4 |
Destruction of Temple, Signs of End of the Age |
Luke 21:5-19 |
Destruction of Jerusalem, Son of Man Coming |
Luke 21:20-38 |
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus |
Luke 22:1-06 |
Jesus Institutes the Lord's Supper |
Luke 22:7-23 |
The disciples arguments about greatness |
Luke 22:24-30 |
Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial |
Luke 22:31-38 |
Jesus Prays and is Arrested at Gethsemane |
Luke 22:39-53 |
Peter Disowns Jesus |
Luke 22:54-62 |
Guards mock Jesus, Jesus before Sanhedrin |
Luke 22:63-71 |
Jesus before Pilate and Herod |
| span>
Luke 23:1-12 |
Jesus sentenced |
Luke 23:13-25 |
The Crucifixion |
Luke 23:26-43 |
Jesus' Death, Jesus Burial |
Luke 23:44-56 |
The Resurrection |
Luke 24:1-12 |
On the Road to Emmaus |
Luke 24:13-35 |
Jesus appears to the Disciples |
Luke 24:36-49 |
The Ascension |
Luke 24:50-53 |